Whitley Village Allotment Association
WVAA Committee 2020
If you have any questions or issues relating to the WVAA please let one of the Committee members know, we can be contacted in person or on the details below.
Your Committee:
Chairperson Sarah Cole 07908135917 sarahcole1956@gmail.com
Secretary Jim Wright 07917193894 jfwright23@icloud.com
Treasurer John White 07740739783 jwwhite12@btinternet.com
Member Dan Green 07870437469 dangreen7819@gmail.com
We have our own email address whitleyallotment@outlook.com and Facebook Group
Chairperson Report 2019/2020
The Committee
Following the resignation of Secretary Anita Harrison from the committee, James Wright stepped into the role of Acting Secretary until the A.G.M.
The committee would like to thank Anita for all the hard work, she put into the role and the committee over the past two years.
The outgoing committee therefore consists of (Myself) Sarah Cole Chairperson, James Wright Acting Secretary, John White Treasurer and Committee member Lynne Warner.
As no nominations have been put forward, all committee members have agreed to continue in their respective roles for the next two years with James Wright continuing as Secretary.
The Following confirmation of members to the role of committee, will take place after the reports. Dan Green has been nominated for the vacant position of committee member.
Allotment Waiting List and Vacant Plots.
We currently have no waiting list, as we have one half plots available to rent. This represents 4% of the 27 plots available and 3.3% of the Allotment land.
This year has seen the following members give up their Allotments Ron Cole + Patricia Speight, whilst we have welcomed five new members Craig Bennett, David Harrison, John Chadwick, Robert Hindmarsh and Susan White.
The committee believes that it is in the interest of all members, and the allotment for there to be full occupancy, and continues to take step to achieve this.
Inspections revealed that the majority of the plots were kept to the required standard as per our obligations to the Parish Council, however there were some members whose plots repeatable fell short of the standard required but that has since been rectified.
Please remember the standard and inspections are in place for the benefit of the collective membership, weeds affect us all but especially your direct neighbours.
If you are struggling please ask for help.
Clean up days and completed work
The volunteer work days were generally poorly attended, so a really big thank you to the members who volunteered to help tidy up the allotment area, on these days.
It would be really nice to see more members joining in and helping as we all benefit from the Allotment being of a good standard.
Following the risk assessments, we had to do for our insurance, several parts of the communal area had to be addressed. These included, painting the edge of the decking, putting a smaller table on the decking to reduce risk of falls, levelling the gravel, and removal of the fire pit.
The Notice board Glass was replaced and general repairs made to the notice board, and a lick of paint.
Dates for future clean up days will be posted in due course.
Also a big thank you to John White, for his continued cutting of the grass all year, David Harrison for cutting the hedge, and James wright for tidying some of the unused plots. These were all in addition to the work days.
New Policies
A numbers of small amendments have been made to the Data Protection Policy. This will be issued by Email.
Risk assessments were produced and actions taken to safeguard all members.
Other business
- It was with deep regret that the fire pit had to be removed. Following risk Assessments it was found to be unsafe and in needed repairing.
As this would have cost, a significant about of time and money all allotment member were consulted on their thoughts for the best way forward on the subject.
12 members replied, reflecting a 48% interest in the subject.
Of the 12 member replying 8 asked for it removing 66%, with 3 asking for costing to be considered. No one asked for the pit to be rebuilt at any cost.
The overwhelming result of the consolation was that the fire Pit should be removed.
- The Committee has decided that every future Committee meeting will be an open meeting and welcomes all members to attend. Dates and venues for closed and open meetings were displayed in the notice board.
- The Committee started a one year trial of green bins at a cost of £125per year. The bins have been very well used, being completely full every week.
- The Whitley Parish Council Agreed to renew the tenancy agreement on the same financial terms for the next three years.
- The Council agreed that residents from outside of Whitley could take plots on condition that Whitley residence were given priority.
Social Events
No Social Events took place this year but we look forward to possible events in the coming year.
AGM Minutes 2020 Treasurers Report 2020
From this in 2010

To this in 2011! Day One The new Plot Holders Arrive and start marking out their plots.
2011 Our First Year
We get started Spring 2011
Wow in a new months it looked like this Summer 2011
The team digging the trench for the Water Supply
Frank Laying the Entrance Track Autumn 2011